fbjili Harris Campaign Says It Took In $27 Million at Wall Street Fund-Raiser

Vice President Kamala Harris does not have much time to drop into living rooms or small cities for fund-raisers these days. But in the homestretch of the presidential racefbjili, finance events like the one she attended on Sunday are worth it.

According to the Harris campaign, a fund-raiser in New York City on Sunday afternoon raised $27 million for Ms. Harris’s coffers. The campaign said it was the vice president’s highest-grossing fund-raiser since she ascended to the top of the Democratic ticket.

The reception had none of the hype that accompanied President Biden’s mega-fund-raiser at Radio City Music Hall in March or his big Hollywood bash in June, but Ms. Harris’s event raised a similar figure as each of those. At the same time, the dizzying amount that Ms. Harris has raised during her two months as a presidential nominee can make even a $27 million fund-raiser feel somehow less than remarkable.

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