" alt="On Mars, ocean's worth of water may be hiding below its surface study" class="wp-image-136383" style="width:934px;height:auto" data-lazy-srcset="https://technology.inquirer.net/files/2024/08/AP24225619697022-620x413.jpg 620w, https://technolo
HONG KONG: Heatwaves deep in oceans may be "significantly under-reported", highlighting an area of marine warming that has been largely overlooked, a joint study by Australia's national science agency (CISRO) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences has
au777 How Ocean Warming Is Warping the World
2024-10-10The world’s longest-living vertebrate is not the friendly giant tortoise, the breathtaking blue whale or the saltwater crocodile, which can terrorize the imagination of toddlers and centenarians alike. It’s the shuddersome, floppy Greenland shark, w